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Why Automatic Savings Plans Create Financial Confidence

Mark Nicolet, CFP®, MBA, ABFP™
February 1, 2019
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With a long weekend with my sons and my wife out of state for a reunion with friends, we found our way to Home Depot, the library, a car wash, and of course, a local pizza parlor. These small, but meaningful experiences for our boys’ weekend left me appreciating why a commitment to an automatic, monthly savings plan provides clarity and confidence within our day-to-day lives. We ventured out as my wife enjoyed the time with her friends, knowing we had already committed to saving a determined dollar amount, prior to the decisions of this weekend, this week, and this month. Some months naturally are more expensive than others, and outside of December, it’s hard to anticipate which month(s) will squeeze you. So, this confidence can be had when you have ALREADY settled on your 401k contribution, Roth IRA contribution, your non-retirement investment account contribution, your 529 plan contribution, your insurance contribution, and other vehicles you may be using to save for your priorities. There are a lot of options, but when accounts are being funded, the money isn’t available to spend, and you are taking advantage of dollar-cost averaging.

Once in place, what’s left to spend, is up to you. You will still need to manage the groceries, gas, and other (Target, of course), but I’m confident that you can live the life you want to live, spend intentionally, and still remain on course for future financial independence. More income creates more options, yet the behavior of savings is for everyone. If you have a structure, you can make incremental changes as income increases and priorities change. Eventually, you will have worked towards saving 15%, then 20%, and then 30%. It’s easier to retire when you are comfortable when living off of $.70 of every dollar. As a Decision Coach, I help families navigate how to best allocate their income on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis through consistent and intentional communication. This provides an immense amount of clarity when your future priorities are already being saved for, especially when my boys want to grab ice cream on the way home, and I have no hesitation in saying, “Yes.” Please contact me at if you are interested in discussing your personal situation.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. Investing involves risk, including the risk of loss. Dollar cost averaging involves continuous investment in securities regardless of fluctuation in price levels of such securities. An investor should consider their ability to continue purchasing through fluctuating price levels. Such a plan does not assure a profit and does not protect against loss in declining markets.

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Mark Nicolet, CFP®, MBA, ABFP™
March 3, 2020

In almost every journal entry I write, I include, “I am grateful for…” and list three to four items from my day that reminded me of how grateful I am. Just last night my wife of 10 years, laughed out at loud as she noticed, I had written, “Popcorn” as I enjoyed a bag in the last minutes of the evening after putting our young boys to bed. It is the little things that make life grand, right?

In light of the deep gratitude I experience on a daily basis, here are 8 financial planning action items I’m grateful for. I know my clients feel the same way because of the significant impact these ideas have over time:

  1. Automatic monthly savings plans into investment accounts.

I am grateful because these plans create structure and commitment.

  1. The proper 401(k) allocation.

I am grateful to help align risk, time frames, performance, and cost with the fund options available.

  1. Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s.

I am grateful because we are in a historically low tax environment and Uncle Sam has already been paid.

  1. Intentional and proactive communication with an Advisor.

I am grateful to help eliminate inefficiencies and “leaking out the back door” with surplus cash flow.

  1. The right insurance solution.

I am grateful for financial reassurance.

  1. An understanding of where my current savings rate ends up at the end of the road.

I am grateful when I can provide clarity to planning so that my clients know what they are actually saving for.

  1. An outside, objective, fiduciary perspective.

I am grateful when a client calls asking about a refinance option, a car purchase, or stock options. Even though I don’t directly manage these decisions, they do have an impact on your financial plan.

  1. Non-retirement investment accounts earmarked for future priorities.

I am grateful when clients can save and grow their money, yet still have access to their funds for that next down payment, big trip, or redoing the kitchen.

Yes, I am grateful for buttery popcorn, but more importantly, I am grateful for the motivation and trust of my clients and business partners.


The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine what is appropriate for you, consult a qualified professional.

David McDonough
September 23, 2019

There have been countless news stories about how Millennials are different than previous generations, including their relationship with debt. The principles on debt – the difference between good and bad debt and how to make sure your money works for you – haven’t changed. What has changed are the ways to prepare for retirement and the mountains of student debt that many millennials are struggling under. This large debt slows down their ability to build toward their financial independence, which is a road that many have to pave on their own.

First off, preparing for financial independence has changed. One’s golden years are no longer secured by a pension. More and more people are accepting that preparing for retirement rests solely on their shoulders. The look of retirement has changed as well, with some expecting to continue working because they want to, not because they need to, as well as some embracing the FIRE movement and planning to retire well before 65. For many, the financial landscape that people are planning for has changed.

One of the things that hasn’t changed is what we have historically considered “bad debt”. Credit card debt, high car payments and other depreciating assets, can be harmful to your bottom line. These expenses don’t increase your net worth and often simply distract you from your long-term goals of financial independence. It’s a good idea to keep expenses in this category to a minimum.

Good debt, on the other hand, is money you borrow to ultimately increase your wealth. Historically, student loans for higher education and real estate have fallen under this category as they were seen to be investments that would bring sizable returns in the future. As with any investment, though, you need to critically examine your likely return to make the right decisions. If you are looking at taking student loans for higher education, the goal is for that education to secure a position that will provide you a greater salary. However, if you take out a $100,000 loan to enter a profession that generally generates an annual $40,000 salary, which doesn’t seem to be the best return on your investment. This is the lesson Millennials are laboring under. With $1.5 trillion in outstanding student loan debt[i], Millennials are struggling to make ends meet, let alone build for the future.

Like a series of dominoes, consequences of financial decisions can be far-reaching. Yes, real estate can be a building block to your financial freedom. Yet, many Millennials are delaying buying a home due to their significant outstanding student loan debt[ii]. Additionally, if you’re looking to buy a house that requires a mortgage that leaves you with little funds to contribute to savings or other investments, it may no longer be a good debt option.

In the end, everyone should be looking for ways to invest in their future. You need to be mindful about your money and how it’s working for you. While it’s good to make sure that you’re not throwing your money away, you also want to make sure that your debt is worth the expected rate of return. Everyone has multiple goals, both short-term and long-term. If you plan the right way, you can make sure that the money you have today can work for your dreams for tomorrow.



The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine what is appropriate for you, consult a qualified professional.

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