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Romance Scams

By Trilogy Financial
August 1, 2023
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A romance scam, also known as an online dating scam, is when a person gets tricked into believing they’re in a romantic relationship with someone they met online, when in fact their other half is a cybercriminal using a fake identity to gain enough trust to ask — or blackmail — them for money.

Oftentimes, a romance scammer starts on dating sites or apps. But scammers have increasingly started finding targets on social media, too.

After connecting with someone through a fake profile, the scammer will strike up a conversation and start building a relationship by regularly chatting with them. Once they start to trust the romance scammer and believe they have a truthful relationship, the cybercriminal will make up a story, ask them for money, and vanish.

Types of Romance Scams

Some of the most common internet dating scams include:       

Fake Dating Sites: Scam dating sites claim to be legitimate but are actually filled with scammers or underpopulated. These websites are created to mine your information.

Photo Scams: Scammers will convince their target to send their personal information in exchange for intimate photos.

Military Romance Scams: The scammer will pose as a military member, likely deployed. They build trust by using military jargon and titles, then ask for money to cover military-related expenses, such as flights home.

Intimate Activity Scams: The scammer connects with their target on multiple social media websites. Once they become closer, the scammer convinces them to undress and then threatens them with the recordings.

Code Verification Scams: Scammers will send a fake verification code through email or text, posing to be a dating app or website. Once clicked on, it will ask for their personal information, including Social Security number and credit cards.

Inheritance Scams: Scammers will make their target believe they need to get married in order to get their inheritance. In this case, they will ask them to help pay for something like airfare.

Malware Scams: Malware is also common on dating sites. In this case, the recipient will interact with a scammer who sends them a website that looks legitimate; however, it's a page that includes malware.

Tips To Avoid Losing Money To a Romance Scam

  • Protect yourself and older loved ones by raising awareness. Although this can be an uncomfortable topic, make sure you, your family and your friends are familiar with romance scams. The more you know about these scams, the better prepared you are to prevent being a victim.
  • Check in on older loved ones. Scammers are seeking to target those living alone or grieving the loss of a spouse as they are more vulnerable.
  • Limit what you share online.Scammers can use details shared on social media and dating sites to better understand and target you.
  • Do your research.Research the individual’s photo and profile using online searches to see if the image, name or other details have been used elsewhere.
  • Go slowly and ask lots of questions.Don’t let the individual rush you to leave a dating service or social media site to communicate directly.
  • Listen to your gut.If the individual seems too good to be true, talk to someone you trust.
  • Don’t overshare personal information.Requests for inappropriate photos or financial information could later be used to extort you.
  • Be suspicious if you haven’t met in person.If the individual promises to meet in person, but consistently comes up with an excuse for cancelling, be suspicious.
  • Don’t send money.Never send money to anyone you have only communicated with online or by phone.

Think you’ve been scammed?

  1. Stop communicating with the individual immediately.
  2. Talk to someone you trust and describe what’s going on.
  3. Report the incident to local law enforcement.
  4. Submit a fraud complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

Dating scams can have devastating consequences on individuals seeking love and companionship online. It's crucial to be aware of the red flags and take necessary precautions to protect yourself from falling victim to these fraudulent schemes. Even if it’s too late to recoup losses, details may help others from becoming a victim.


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David McDonough
July 2, 2019

Retirement is a big deal, and there are a lot of moving components to plan out. Those issues multiply when there is another individual added to the mix. My definition of retirement is the financial freedom to move into the next chapter of your life, and that next chapter is different for everyone –especially spouses! This is not the time to assume the two of you are on the same page or decide that the two of you will figure it out later. Most people know that I’m a big proponent of talking to your spouse about everything financial, and retirement is no exception.  Be sure to take the guess work out of this process so you can enter the next chapter of your life in harmony.

It’s not uncommon for couples to not see eye-to-eye on retirement. About half of couples don’t agree on what age to retire[i]. Less than 10% of surveyed couples retired at the same time[ii]. And 47% disagreed on how much they would need to save for retirement[iii]. With so many areas to disagree, from where to retire to how to spend your days, how do spouses work together to achieve their cumulative goals?

I always like to recommend the couples start off by taking my financial compatibility quiz. Not only does this show the areas you may not see eye-toe-eye on, but the quiz generates a lot of conversations. Continue these conversations at monthly financial date nights to make sure that the two of you continue on the same path towards the same goals. Talk about the details – at what age do you want to retire, how do you want to spend your days in retirement, and how much of that time will be spent together. Keep in mind that most people have spent over 40 hours a week away from their spouse for decades. Retirement frees up all that time, which can be too much “togetherness” for some couples. This is why I like to take my clients through a discussion on “your time, my time, and our time,” well before it is actually time for retirement. Discussing these things in advance can allow you to compromise on issues before emotions flair and make a world of difference between living together happily in retirement or, in worst cases, filing for divorce.

Once you have an idea of what your retirement goals are, you need to formulate a plan. An experienced financial planner can be a great resource at this time, bringing up things you may not have touched on and running “what if” scenarios for you to see how your retirement dreams can be converted into actionable goals. Please start these discussions early because financial independence takes many forms, but you can’t figure out when you’re going to get there until you plan your route.

Marriage is many things, but ultimately, it is a partnership. The two of you work together to move the household forward. You may not always agree, but you find common ground by talking and sharing and compromising. If you plan ahead and plan together, you can find the right way to your coupled vision of retirement.

Take our FREE Financial Compatibility Quiz here.




The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

By Trilogy Financial
July 17, 2024

Estate planning consultants for high net worth families know that ensuring your financial assets are managed according to your wishes is crucial. At Trilogy Financial, we understand the importance of creating a comprehensive estate plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Here are the critical elements of an effective estate plan to help you secure your financial future.


1. Will


A will is the cornerstone of any estate plan. This legal document outlines how you want your assets distributed and names an executor to oversee the process. A will can also designate guardians for minor children, ensuring their care and well-being. Without a will, your estate may undergo a lengthy and costly probate process, and your wishes may not be honored.


2. Letter of Intent


A letter of intent is a personal document that complements your will. While it is not legally binding, it can provide clarity and guidance to your executor and loved ones about your wishes. This letter can include details about asset distribution, heirlooms, and even funeral arrangements. Updating your letter of intent regularly ensures that it reflects your current wishes.


3. Power of Attorney


A power of attorney document allows you to appoint someone you trust to handle your financial and legal affairs if you become incapacitated. This person, often a family member or close friend, can manage your assets, pay bills, and make important decisions on your behalf. Understanding your state’s specific regulations can help you make informed decisions about this designation.


4. Health Care Directives


Health care directives are essential for addressing your medical needs in emergencies. Key documents include:

  • Living Will: Specifies your medical care preferences if you become incapacitated.
  • Durable Medical Power of Attorney: Authorizes someone to make medical decisions on your behalf.
  • HIPAA Release Clause: Allows medical professionals to share your health information with your designated proxy.


5. Estate Planning for Second and Third Marriages


Subsequent marriages add complexity to estate planning. Consider the following:

  • Prenuptial Agreements: Protect assets and provide clarity on ownership.
  • Updated Legal Documents: Ensure your estate plan reflects your new family structure.
  • Beneficiary Considerations: Update beneficiaries to include your new spouse, if desired.


6. Guardianship Designations


If you have minor children, naming guardians in your estate plan is vital. This ensures that someone you trust will care for your children if you are unable to do so. Consider naming a backup guardian as an additional safeguard.


7. Trusts


Trusts offer a flexible and private way to manage and distribute your assets. Benefits of trusts include:

  • Avoiding probate
  • Maintaining privacy
  • Providing effective asset management
  • Offering control over beneficiary distributions


8. Multi-Generational Wealth Planning


Multi-generational wealth planning is essential for ensuring that your financial legacy benefits future generations. This involves creating strategies that protect and grow your assets while considering the needs of your children and grandchildren.


9. Trust Fund Manager


trust fund manager plays a critical role in managing and distributing your assets according to your wishes. This professional ensures that the trust operates smoothly and that beneficiaries receive their designated assets without delays or legal complications.


10. Advanced Estate Planning Strategies


Advanced estate planning strategies are designed to address the unique needs of high-net-worth individuals. These strategies may include setting up complex trusts, charitable giving, and tax optimization techniques to preserve and grow your wealth.


11. Philanthropic Financial Planning


Philanthropic financial planning allows you to support causes you care about while benefiting from potential tax advantages. Discovering philanthropic financial planning opportunities can help you make a positive impact while strategically managing your estate.


The Takeaway –


Creating a comprehensive estate plan involves careful consideration of various legal documents and strategies. At Trilogy Financial, we specialize in estate planning for high net worth families and individuals, providing tailored solutions to meet your unique needs.

Our team of estate planning lawyers for high net worth families and high net worth estate planning attorneys are here to guide you through every step of the process. If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to us. We are here to help.


Ready to Amplify Your Wealth today?

If you're ready to elevate your financial planning with our professional team, we invite you to schedule a meeting with us. At Trilogy Financial Services, our advisors in Corona are dedicated to crafting personalized financial strategies that align with your unique goals. Don't wait to start your journey towards financial success:

  • Schedule a Meeting: Reach out to us to arrange a one-on-one consultation with our financial professionals.
  • Give Us a Call: Prefer a quick conversation? Feel free to give us a call to discuss your financial needs and how we can assist. Call Us To Get Started. (844) 356-4934

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