Trilogy Financial

The Future of Financial Advice Must be More Diverse

By Trilogy Financial
July 2, 2018
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It’s human nature to address challenges based on their most pervasive effects, rather than dissect their causes. Take the ongoing discussion about the need for diversity in wealth management as an example. Endless articles have been written about the need to have more women, more people of color and more age diversity in the industry. As one of the white males who too often exemplifies the status quo, I couldn’t agree more with the impulse: the future of financial advice must be more female, more ethnic and age diversified than it is today.

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By Trilogy Financial
October 10, 2019

Steve Hartel joins Smart Money Circle Host Adam Sarhan in Part 2 to discuss Timeless Investing Lessons & The “Best” Advice. Steve oversees more than $2 billion in assets at Trilogy Financial. Listen now.

The Host:
Adam Sarhan, Author, Investor, and Forbes Contributor, interviews real money managers with over $100 million in assets under management (AUM) to help you learn timeless lessons from real-life money managers.

All our work is for educational/informational purposes only. It is general in nature. No specific investment advice is given.

By Trilogy Financial
February 26, 2018

I’ve sat in those rooms, and you have too. You know the ones, where some war-weary veteran of the good old days of financial services talks about how they used to walk uphill both ways in a blizzard to every client meeting.

How the account application was as small as a postcard. How they didn’t even have calculators and surmised rates of return on the back of a napkin.

We are all told that a return to such days would be a good thing for clients and advisors alike and that all of this technology “stuff” is simply ruining a business that at its core is about helping people save for their future, not do calculus.

But those are not the only rooms.

Click here to read the full story.


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