Trilogy Financial

Rocky Mountain Fintech: How Denver is Evolving as a Hub for Financial Innovation

By Trilogy Financial
October 12, 2018
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Fintech-related deals in the Denver metro and Boulder metro are booming. But can the area keep up with competition on both coasts?

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By Trilogy Financial
July 2, 2018

It’s human nature to address challenges based on their most pervasive effects, rather than dissect their causes. Take the ongoing discussion about the need for diversity in wealth management as an example. Endless articles have been written about the need to have more women, more people of color and more age diversity in the industry. As one of the white males who too often exemplifies the status quo, I couldn’t agree more with the impulse: the future of financial advice must be more female, more ethnic and age diversified than it is today.

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By Forbes logo
February 11, 2019

When Jeff Bezos started Amazon — originally called Cadabra — he announced, “Our goal is to be earth’s most customer-centric company.” Today Jeff Bezos calls it “customer obsession.”

As I explored why customer focus is the primary driver of many of the world’s most successful companies, I was thinking about conversations I had over the past year with CEOs who through customer-centric models are leading their industries. What I found is the key to a world-class customer experience really starts with your own culture. Below are direct quotes from 10 CEOs whose companies are leaders of service in their industry.

Click here to read the full story.


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