Pay Off Student Loans Or Save For Retirement? 11 Ways To Balance Your Financial Goals

By Forbes logo
April 19, 2019
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With heavy financial burdens like student loans, rent, credit card payments and more, starting “adult life” on the right foot can feel impossible for many Millennials and Gen-Zers. These generations often receive conflicting advice about how to achieve financial stability: Some experts urge them to pay off their debts as quickly as possible, while others tell them to start building their retirement nest egg while they’re young.

While both paths are valid, it shouldn’t be one or the other. Instead, it’s important to create a strategic financial plan that addresses both short-term debt and long-term savings. Below, the experts of Forbes Finance Council share their advice for young professionals seeking a healthy balance.

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August 7, 2018

Independent advisors need to lead the recruiting and training of a new generation of wealth managers, according Jeff Motske, president and CEO of Trilogy Financial, $3 billion hybrid RIA based in Huntington Beach, Ca.

“The public wants independent advisors and the industry is moving in that direction,” he said. “Clients are already asking older advisors about who is going to advise them when the advisor retires. Older clients want someone who can see their family through the estate transition process. A younger planner gives clients confidence that someone will be there to help them through their entire life and afterward.”

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