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Got Your Refund, Now What?

Jeff Motske, CFP®
April 17, 2019
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Now, I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a fan of large tax refunds (see March 1 blog). In fact, if you are consistently getting a large tax refund, you should probably adjust your withholdings so you can dedicate that money to your financial why’s every paycheck. After all, allowing the IRS to hold your money is a bad investment. If you should find yourself receiving one, though, you may be wondering how best ways to use it. It’s only normal to be tempted to do some retail therapy or splurge on a fun experience. However, it’s best to see how you can get your money to work for you before giving in to that temptation.

The very first thing to consider is how much debt you have. Large amounts of debt, whether it be student loans, credit cards or other outstanding financial obligations, can cripple you from saving for your goals. Using your tax refund to pay down debt might be the very thing to get you closer to saving for your goals.

You also want to make sure to bulk up your emergency fund. An unplanned repair, medical expense or job termination can all cost a pretty penny. Without an emergency fund, we may feel tempted to use our credit cards to cover the unexpected expense. As I just mentioned earlier, this simply takes us farther from our goals. Ensuring that we have an adequate emergency fund can make sure that we stay on target regardless of what life may throw at us.

Your tax refund can also be used to work towards your financial independence. Maximize your contributions. If you don’t have a plan, establish one. A little money can go a long way with the help of time and compound interest. Remember: there is no do-over when it comes to saving for retirement, so be sure to do as much as you can now because that time will be here before you know it.

I understand that using your tax refund check to indulge in something today can be quite tempting. More often than not, though, these distractions simply take you off your path to financial independence. You need to make sure that you’re making the money you receive today work to build the life you want to live tomorrow.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

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By Trilogy Financial
July 17, 2024

As you approach age 59½, you’re nearing a significant milestone that brings new opportunities for your financial future. This age marks a turning point where the IRS allows you to withdraw from your retirement accounts without incurring penalties. At Trilogy Financial, we provide comprehensive High Net Worth Retirement Planning strategies tailored to your unique needs, helping you navigate this critical phase with confidence.


Understanding the Importance of Age 59½


Reaching the age of 59½ is a pivotal moment in your retirement journey for several reasons:


  1. Penalty-Free Withdrawals: The IRS permits penalty-free withdrawals from retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, providing greater flexibility in managing your retirement funds.
  2. Catch-Up Contributions: If you’re over 50, you can make additional contributions to your retirement accounts, helping to boost your savings significantly.
  3. Approaching Social Security: You are within a few years of being eligible for Social Security benefits, allowing you to plan more effectively for your retirement income.


Building Your Retirement Savings


Despite the importance of saving for retirement, many Americans find themselves with insufficient funds. According to financial experts, you should aim to have at least $1 million in retirement savings to support a comfortable 30-year retirement. However, the reality is that many people have far less saved.


Strategies to Enhance Your Retirement Savings:


  • Catch-Up Contributions: If you’re 50 or older, you can contribute additional amounts to your retirement plans. For example, you can make $6,000 in catch-up contributions to 401(k) plans and $1,000 to IRAs annually.
  • Prioritize Saving Over Spending: Shift your focus from spending to saving, ensuring you allocate a portion of your income to retirement accounts at the beginning of each pay cycle.
  • Seek Professional Advice: An Executive Financial Planning advisor can provide personalized guidance to help you maximize your retirement savings and take advantage of all available options.


Staying Healthy in Your Golden Years


Maintaining good health is essential for enjoying a fulfilling retirement. As you age, your health needs change, and it’s important to stay proactive about your well-being.


Health Tips for Older Adults:


  • Regular Check-Ups: Keep up with medical appointments and screenings to catch potential health issues early.
  • Healthy Diet and Exercise: A balanced diet and regular physical activity can help maintain your vitality and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Mental Health: Staying socially active and engaged can improve your mental health and overall quality of life.


Seeking Professional Financial Advice


Navigating the complexities of retirement planning requires experienced guidance. At Trilogy Financial, we offer Customized Retirement Solutions and Private Wealth Services to help you pursue your financial goals. Our services include:


  • 401K Asset Management
  • Investment Strategies for High-Net-Worth Individuals
  • Estate and Inheritance Planning
  • Life and Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Philanthropic Financial Planning


Our team of financial professionals is dedicated to helping you pursue financial independence and secure a comfortable retirement.

What might a Custom Retirement Solution include?


Multi-Generational Wealth Planning

Multi-Generational Wealth Planning is essential for ensuring that your financial legacy benefits future generations. This involves creating strategies that protect and grow your assets while considering the needs of your children and grandchildren.


Trust Fund Management

Trust Fund Management plays a critical role in managing and distributing your assets according to your wishes. This professional ensures that the trust operates smoothly and that beneficiaries receive their designated assets without delays or legal complications.


High-Net-Worth Tax Strategies

High-Net-Worth Tax Strategies are designed to minimize tax liabilities and maximize the growth of your wealth. Working with a knowledgeable tax advisor can help you implement these strategies effectively.


Customized Wealth Management Plans

Customized Wealth Management Plans provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of high-net-worth individuals. These plans consider your specific financial goals and circumstances, offering a personalized approach to managing your wealth.


Legacy Planning for High-Net-Worth Families

Legacy Planning for High-Net-Worth Families ensures that your wealth is transferred according to your wishes and provides for future generations. This includes creating comprehensive estate plans that address your family’s unique needs and goals.


The Takeaway – 


Age 59½ marks an important milestone in your retirement planning journey. With the right strategies and professional guidance, you can optimize your retirement savings, navigate Social Security benefits, and maintain your health for a fulfilling retirement. At Trilogy Financial, we specialize in High Net Worth Retirement Planning, Executive Financial Planning, and Private Wealth Services, providing tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Contact us today to discover how we can help you achieve your financial goals and enjoy a prosperous future.


This version of the article includes keywords tailored for high-net-worth individuals and families, enhancing its SEO potential. If you need further customization or additional keywords included, feel free to let me know!


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Mike Loo, MBA
November 2, 2018

In 2015, Americans spent $225 billion on long-term care. That’s 7 ½ times what was spent 15 years prior, in 2000. With the great advances we have made in medicine and medical technology, people are living longer. The downside to that is that it means people are more likely to need care and need it longer. In fact, over half of people turning 65 will need long-term care at some point in their lives.(1)

Types Of Long-Term Care

When you think of long-term care, skilled nursing facilities are probably what comes to mind. However, that is actually the last step in the long-term care journey. Most long-term care is not medical; it is simply assistance with basic activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, eating, and going to the bathroom.

Even without serious medical problems, most people become less and less capable of taking care of themselves as they age. Traditionally, people would turn to family for help with such things. However, in our modern era where families live far apart and adult children are already overburdened with careers and children, more and more people have to pay for long-term care services.

The most basic, and least expensive, form of care is homemaker services. Homemaker services do not involve anything medical, but rather things like meal preparation, cleaning, and running errands. The next step up, which does have a medical component, would be a home health aide.

Once basic in-home assistance is not enough, specialized facilities are needed. Care outside of the home can be in the form of adult day healthcare, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes.

Costs Of Long-Term Care(2)

Costs vary depending on the type of care needed and the part of the country in which you live. On an annual basis, the national average goes from just under $48,000 for homemaker services to over $97,000 for a private room in a nursing home, and that number is growing about 3-4% a year.

Things change drastically when you look at specific locations. In San Francisco, homemaker services are more than 150% the national average and growing twice as fast. A private room in a nursing home averages $171,185 a year. Even downgrading to a semi-private room still costs over $141,000 a year. Twenty years from now, that same semi-private room is expected to cost over a quarter of a million dollars.

As you can see, long-term care can be very expensive, especially with the rise of dementia, where people can live a long time while needing care. In 2018, the estimated lifetime cost of care for someone with dementia is $341,840,(3) and it’s probably much higher in a state like California.

Ways Of Paying For Long-Term Care

Because of the high cost, it is important to plan ahead for long-term care. There are a number of ways to pay for care, each with its advantages and disadvantages.


The vast majority of Americans turn to Medicaid for their long-term care expenses. However, it’s not because it’s a great option. Rather, it’s their only option. In order to qualify for Medicaid, you have to have a low income and low assets, so it’s not really something people plan for intentionally.


On the opposite end of the spectrum from the people that can qualify for Medicaid are those who have amassed enough wealth to self-insure. If you have $50 million in assets, you can afford to pay $170,000 a year for a nursing home and it won’t have a significant impact on your finances.

The danger is that sometimes people take too great a risk thinking they can self-insure. Often, care is needed later in retirement when savings have already been spent down significantly. Having $500,000 in the bank may seem like a lot of money, but long-term care expenses can eat through it very quickly. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for a couple to spend all of their savings on the husband’s care only to leave the wife destitute at his passing.

Life Insurance With A Long-Term Care Rider

One option for those that find themselves in between broke and very wealthy is adding a long-term care rider to their life insurance. If you have, or are planning on purchasing, permanent life insurance, your policy may allow you to add a rider that would help pay for your long-term care costs. Using the long-term care option will often lower your death benefit, but many people appreciate knowing they will receive a benefit even if they never need long-term care.

Premium Paying Long-Term Care Insurance

Another option is buying pure long-term care insurance. Like with most kinds of insurance, you pay a regular premium in exchange for receiving a benefit when you need long-term care. One downside to this for many people is that you will only receive a benefit if you end up needing long-term care. As with car insurance where you have to get into an accident in order to get money out of it, if you never need care, you never see your money again.

Asset-Based Long-Term Care Insurance

The final option has been the fastest growing long-term care option over the last decade.(4) It is a combination of long-term care insurance and single premium life insurance, commonly called asset-based insurance.

The way it works is that you pay a large amount up front and then low annual premiums. You have several times your initial deposit available tax-free for long-term care needs. If you never use it or cancel your plan, you usually get your deposit back plus interest. Some plans even include tax-free death benefits.

Choosing A Long-Term Care Option

Looking at the statistics, you can tell that planning for long-term care is an important thing to do. Failing to do so can be a costly mistake. Because the multitude of options available can be complex and confusing, it’s important to work with an experienced financial professional.

An experienced advisor can explain all of your options to you, help you consider the pros and cons of each, and decide which is the best solution for your particular situation. If you want that kind of help choosing a long-term care option, call my office at (949) 221-8105 x 2128, or email me at to set up a no-strings-attached meeting.





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