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Capitalizing on Your Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan

Zach Swaffer, CFP®
February 19, 2019
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Let’s talk about employer loyalty. For much of the 20th century, Americans (by and large) followed a standard script: enter the workforce and work for a single company for decades, then throw a retirement party at 65 and cash in a pension – a reward for years of company loyalty. This pension provided retirement income; usually, a percentage of the yearly salary the employee earned while working. American Express established the first corporate pension plan in the US in 1875. By 1960, about half of the private sector employees had a pension. Of course, in 1960 the average life expectancy was 67, meaning that if you retired at 65 (standard at the time), the average pension only had to provide income for two years.

Since 1960 there have been many advances in modern medicine raising average life expectancy to 79. Suddenly, plans designed to cover a few years of post-retirement income were expected to cover retirees well into their 80s and 90s. Companies offering pensions began to realize that their retirement plans were becoming increasingly – sometimes prohibitively – expensive to fund. As pension expenses continued to rise towards the end of the 20th century, many companies were forced to design new systems to ensure their employees were financially secure come retirement.

The 401(k) plan hit the streets in 1980. The employer-sponsored retirement plan was rolled out as a replacement to traditional pensions and has since become the most common retirement savings mechanism in America. In essence, the 401(k) provides a tax-deferred way for employees to set aside wages for retirement. Employees elect to divert a certain percentage of their income each year to a 401(k) account. The diverted funds grow tax-free in that account until the employee retires.

In addition to providing the account, most companies offer a savings-match system. For instance, in a 3% match system, the company would match up to 3% of an employee’s elective contributions to their 401(k) account. The employer match provides a strong incentive for employees to start planning for retirement. If an employee doesn’t divert AT LEAST the match threshold into a 401(k) they miss out on the employer match – in other words, they lose out on free money from their employer.

Let’s talk about the benefits. Funds in a 401(k) account are able to grow tax-free. Because growth is not disturbed by capital gains taxes, accounts are able to grow faster than a standard individual account. Of course, there’s always a catch: money in employer-sponsored plans – like a 401(k) – cannot be withdrawn prior to age 59 ½ without paying penalties. Most plans offer options for the participants to increase their contribution rate on an annual basis, and small increases in contribution rate (even as small as 1%) year over year can make a huge difference by the time you retire.

Contributing to employer-sponsored retirement plans such as a 401(k) or 403(b) – the non-profit version of a 401(k) – is a vital part of preparing for retirement. The money is automatically deducted before your paycheck is cut, making it easy to budget and painlessly save for retirement at the same time.

Contributing to employer-sponsored retirement plans is an essential step towards retirement planning – but it is only the first step.

Please contact me at if you are interested in discussing the next steps you can take to ensure retirement security.

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By Trilogy Financial
February 20, 2024



Investing can be a stepping stone towards financial freedom, yet the journey begins with understanding the basic terminology. This guide aims to unravel key investment terms, explore various investment types, and delve into the long-term investment advantages, all illustrated with real-world examples and statistics. As you venture into the financial world, remember that professional guidance is available to help navigate the complexities of investing. At Trilogy Financial Services, a dedicated financial advisor can work with you to amplify your wealth and fast-track your financial independence. Discover more about how they can assist you in planning for long-term success as we delve into the essential investment terminology.




Defining Key Investment Terms



1. Stocks:

    • A share of ownership in a company which may yield returns through price appreciation and dividends.
    • A share of ownership in a company. Stocks have the potential for high returns, with the S&P 500 for example having a long-term average return of 11.88% per year​1​.


2. Bonds

    • Debt instruments issued by governments or companies that pay periodic interest and return the principal amount at maturity.
    • Debt instruments that pay periodic interest and return the principal amount at maturity. They are considered less risky compared to stocks.


3. Mutual Funds

    • Investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors to buy a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities.
    • Pools of funds from multiple investors managed by professionals to buy a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities.


4. ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds):

    • Funds that track indexes, commodities, or a basket of assets and are traded on stock exchanges like individual stocks.
    • Like mutual funds but traded on stock exchanges like individual stocks.


5. Dividends:

    • Payments made by companies to shareholders from earnings, usually on a quarterly basis.
    • Dividends are not guaranteed by companies to shareholders




Exploring Investment Types

Different types of investments cater to varying risk appetites and financial goals. In 2020, 35% of respondents believed real estate to be the best long-term investment, followed by the stock market​2​.

1. Growth Stocks:

    • Companies expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to other firms.
    • Examples: Amazon (AMZN), Nvidia (NVDA), and Tesla (TSLA) have shown substantial growth over the past decade​1​.
    • Companies like Amazon, Nvidia, and Tesla are examples of growth stocks that have shown substantial growth over the past decade​3​.


2. Value Stocks:

    • Companies trading below their intrinsic value based on fundamentals.
    • Examples: Exxon Mobil (XOM), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), and Verizon Communications (VZ) are considered value stocks​1​.


3. Dividend Stocks:

    • Firms that have historically returned a portion of their earnings to shareholders through dividends.
    • Examples: AT&T (T), Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA), and 3M (MMM) have high dividend yields​1​.


4. Bond Investments:

    • Bonds are considered less risky than stocks and provide fixed interest payments over time​1​.
    • Bonds are essential for balancing a portfolio and are generally considered less risky than stocks​3​.


5. Mutual Funds and ETFs:

    • These funds provide diversification and professional management, making them suitable for long-term investors​1​.


Advantages of Long-term Investments


Long-term investments, typically held for five years or more, allow the benefits of compounding to significantly enhance the value over time​4​. It's important to understand your risk tolerance when it comes to determining your investment portfolio such as the amount of money you want for your retirement account and what investments in stocks might yield the higher returns and market capitalization you are looking for in your broader financial goal.


Why Long-term Investments Are Valuable:


  • Compounding:
    • One of the most compelling reasons for long-term investing is the benefit of compounding. When you reinvest the earnings from an investment, those earnings can earn more over time. The longer the investment horizon, the more substantial the compounding effect.
  • Reduced Impact of Volatility:
    • Short-term market volatility can significantly affect investment values. However, long-term investments tend to smooth out these short-term fluctuations, potentially leading to more stable returns over time.
  • Tax Efficiency:
    • One common advantage of a long-term investment is that they often enjoy more favorable tax treatment compared to short-term investments, which can enhance net returns.
  • Diversification:
    • Long-term investments allow for diversification, spreading out risk across different asset classes or sectors, which can lead to more stable returns over time.


Delving into Case Studies and Numbers:


  • Warren Buffett:
    • Warren Buffett is a quintessential example of a long-term investor. His strategy of buying and holding quality stocks has led to significant wealth accumulation over decades. His approach exemplifies how a disciplined, long-term investment strategy can lead to substantial financial growth.


  • Growth of $10,000 Investment:
    • In the scenario provided earlier, a $10,000 investment growing to $33,618 over 20 years with a 7% annual return showcases the power of compounding. The formula to calculate future value is FV=PV(1+r)n
      • Where:
        • FV is the future value of the investment.
        • PV is the present value or initial investment amount ($10,000 in this case).
        • r is the annual interest rate (0.07 in this case).
        • n is the number of years (20 in this case).



  • Investment in Growth Stocks:
    • Companies like Amazon, Nvidia, and Tesla have shown remarkable growth over the past decade, often outperforming the broader market. The ROI (Return on Investment) is calculated as:
      • (Final Value of Investment – Initial Value of Investment)/Initial Value of Investment)×100
      • (Final Value of Investment – Initial Value of Investment)/Initial Value of Investment)×100. Their high ROI illustrates the potential returns available from investing in growth-oriented companies over the long term.



  • S&P 500 Long-term Average Return:
    • The long-term average return of 11.88% for the S&P 500 illustrates the potential for growth over time when investing in a diversified portfolio of large-cap US stocks. It also reflects the historical resilience and growth potential of the broader market over extended periods.





Understanding investment terminology and exploring various types of investments are crucial steps toward achieving financial growth. As illustrated through real-world examples and reinforced by compelling statistics, long-term investments offer a pathway to potentially grow wealth over time. However, the realm of investing can be complex, and making informed decisions is vital for financial success. If you are looking to make well-informed investment decisions, consider speaking with a financial advisor at Trilogy Financial Services. With the help of qualified professionals, you can navigate the financial complexities that may be hindering your wealth amplification journey. Trilogy Financial Services offers a range of financial services including 401k Retirement Planning, Wealth & Asset Management, Estate Planning Strategies, Investment Strategies, College & Education Planning, and Insurance Services, all tailored to help you achieve your financial goals​1​.

Instead of spending years mastering finances on your own, partnering with those who have already traversed the financial landscape can fast-track your financial success. A dedicated financial advisor from Trilogy Financial Services can work with you to make your money work smarter and harder, simplifying the financial intricacies that have been keeping you up at night. You can schedule a no-strings-attached portfolio review today and embark on a path to financial success guided by professional advisors. For more information and to schedule your consultation, visit With the right knowledge and professional guidance, the journey of investing becomes an exciting venture towards pursuing financial security and growth.



By Trilogy Financial
February 20, 2024

Discover how working with a financial planner can make a big difference in your investing journey. Learn about investing through our beginner's guide to top investment blogs.


For many, investing seems like a daunting venture. Navigating through the intricacies of the financial world can be overwhelming, especially when you're just starting out. But beyond the stock market fluctuations and intricate charts, it's essential to grasp your financial aspirations.



Warren Buffett wisely said, “Don't save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” This highlights the importance of financial planning and goal setting when it comes to investing.





As emphasized by Jeff Motske, CFP® at Trilogy Financial Services,  understanding your financial “why” is just as pivotal. Are you eyeing retirement? Or maybe that dream home or a new startup? These goals should shape your long term investment journey.

To help beginners transition into the investment realm, here's a two-fold strategy:



1. Consult a Financial Planner or Advisor


Engaging with a financial planner or advisor is akin to having a personalized coach for your financial journey. Just as you wouldn't start an intense workout regimen without gauging your physical limits, investing without a clear vision of your financial goals and investment decisions is risky.



A financial planner will assist in evaluating your risk tolerance—an essential element in devising an investment strategy. As Peter Lynch, a renowned investor, once remarked, “Know what you own, and know why you own it.” This stresses how important it is to be informed and understand one's investments.






Financial Advisor Meeting with Client


2. Discover the Top Investment Blog Posts for Beginners


In Personal Finance, staying on top of your investment portfolio starts with understanding continuous learning is a key ally in the world of investments. Here are some top investment blogs for beginner investors that can offer invaluable insights:


  • Investopedia: A comprehensive platform offering a plethora of articles, tutorials, and educational content on finance and investment.
  • The Motley Fool: A trusted source renowned for its stock recommendations and investment advice, catering to both novices and seasoned investors.
  • Seeking Alpha: A blend of free and premium content, providing in-depth research, articles, and analyses on various stocks and investment strategies.
  • BiggerPockets: The go-to resource for real estate investment enthusiasts, packed with guides, resources, and community discussions.
  • NerdWallet's Investing Section: Simplifies complex investment topics, making them digestible for beginners.
  • Nasdaq News + Insights: Get insights from a big stock exchange. Covers market trends, stock market news & analysis, and investment strategies.
  • Morningstar: This blog is a trusted source for investment research. It provides analysis, ratings, and information on stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs. This makes it important for both new and experienced investors.



A picture of a beginner investment blog.




Stepping into the investment arena can evoke a mix of emotions. But as you start investing with a clear understanding of your financial goals, expert advice, and regular insights from top investment blogs for beginners, you're on a solid path.



As Benjamin Graham, known as the “father of value investing,” once said, “The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator.”





At the end of the day it's important to ensure you make informed, strategic investing over impulsive decisions. Check out how to avoid Mistakes When Choosing a Financial Planner in our other blog post.


Keen on diving deeper into investing? Connect with our top financial planners or explore more articles on our investment blogs for investment strategies.



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