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Data Privacy Tips

June Adams
July 23, 2021
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Data Privacy governs how data is collected, shared and used. When private data gets in the wrong hands, bad things can happen.  Whether you are in the office or working from home, here are a few tips on how to keep your data private:


Use unique, complex passwords on different sites and systems.


Shred unwanted documents and thoroughly wipe devices before discarding them.


Use encryption when sharing or storing confidential data.


Secure sensitive files and lock computer screens when you walk away.

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Mark Nicolet, CFP®, MBA, ABFP™
February 1, 2019

With a long weekend with my sons and my wife out of state for a reunion with friends, we found our way to Home Depot, the library, a car wash, and of course, a local pizza parlor. These small, but meaningful experiences for our boys’ weekend left me appreciating why a commitment to an automatic, monthly savings plan provides clarity and confidence within our day-to-day lives. We ventured out as my wife enjoyed the time with her friends, knowing we had already committed to saving a determined dollar amount, prior to the decisions of this weekend, this week, and this month. Some months naturally are more expensive than others, and outside of December, it’s hard to anticipate which month(s) will squeeze you. So, this confidence can be had when you have ALREADY settled on your 401k contribution, Roth IRA contribution, your non-retirement investment account contribution, your 529 plan contribution, your insurance contribution, and other vehicles you may be using to save for your priorities. There are a lot of options, but when accounts are being funded, the money isn’t available to spend, and you are taking advantage of dollar-cost averaging.

Once in place, what’s left to spend, is up to you. You will still need to manage the groceries, gas, and other (Target, of course), but I’m confident that you can live the life you want to live, spend intentionally, and still remain on course for future financial independence. More income creates more options, yet the behavior of savings is for everyone. If you have a structure, you can make incremental changes as income increases and priorities change. Eventually, you will have worked towards saving 15%, then 20%, and then 30%. It’s easier to retire when you are comfortable when living off of $.70 of every dollar. As a Decision Coach, I help families navigate how to best allocate their income on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis through consistent and intentional communication. This provides an immense amount of clarity when your future priorities are already being saved for, especially when my boys want to grab ice cream on the way home, and I have no hesitation in saying, “Yes.” Please contact me at if you are interested in discussing your personal situation.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. Investing involves risk, including the risk of loss. Dollar cost averaging involves continuous investment in securities regardless of fluctuation in price levels of such securities. An investor should consider their ability to continue purchasing through fluctuating price levels. Such a plan does not assure a profit and does not protect against loss in declining markets.

Mike Loo, MBA
April 11, 2018

Not all goals are equal in their achievability. In fact, 92% of people don’t reach the goals they set.1 While goals can be difficult to achieve, they’re not impossible. However, the best way to set yourself up for success is to set meaningful goals.

A meaningful goal sets itself apart from a standard goal in three main ways.

  1. It’s Specific and Measurable

The more specific your goal, the more likely you are to reach it. According to one study, setting specific goals led to a higher performance 90% of the time.2 The reason for this is fairly simple: the clearer the path, the easier it is to follow it to the final destination.

I hear so many people tell me their goal is to save more, spend less, or build a retirement fund. The problem with these goals is that they lack specificity. Saving more could mean saving $10 per month or $1,000 per month. You can’t track your progress or know if you’re on track toward your goal if you haven’t specified it and you can’t measure your progress.

One of the first things I tell clients is to make their goals as specific as possible. For example, instead of “build a retirement fund,” you can specify it to “build a retirement fund of $100,000.” Finally, make it measurable—”build a retirement fund of $100,000 by age 45.”

  1. It’s Relevant to Your Life

A goal is only meaningful if you’re passionate about it. Those who meet their goals do so not just because they’re hard workers, but because they are passionate about what they want to achieve. Their goals reflect their values and interests, rather than being random or something they think they’re supposed to achieve in life.

For example, some clients tell me they want to build their savings account because they’ve been told that’s what they should do. While true, you likely won’t feel very inspired to save more if you don’t have a reason for it that makes sense for your life.

I tell these clients to think of what having a savings account would mean for them. Would they feel they could sleep better at night? Would a savings account mean they could go on an annual family vacation? If they build a savings account up to a certain amount, could they finally upgrade their unreliable and problematic car?

Whatever your goal, you should be passionate about it and it should be relevant to your life, not what you think you’re supposed to achieve.

  1. Frame it Positively

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking, and it translates to your goals, too. We are much more likely to work toward something we want to achieve or do rather than what we want to stop doing or don’t want.

For example, rather than a goal of “stop overspending” or “spend $200 less each month,” frame it in a positive light: “spend more mindfully” or “save $200 each month.” This can help you view saving as a good thing you’re supposed to do, rather than spending as a treat that you no longer should do. It’s easy to reverse any goal, so there’s no excuse not to!

Don’t Go it Alone

The process of setting a goal is just as important as the process of working towards it. Think of your goal as the frame of a house. You can’t build a stable home without the proper foundation and a clear blueprint.

If you’re struggling to achieve your goals or aren’t sure how to set ones that are meaningful, an advisor can help. As an independent financial advisor, my mission is to make a meaningful impact on the lives of my clients and the people they love. I help families make informed decisions with their money and pursue a strong financial future, from setting meaningful goals to guiding them along the path toward the finish line.

Contact me for a no-strings-attached meeting to discuss your goals, how to make them meaningful, and what strategies can help you pursue them. Call my office at (949) 221-8105 x 2128, or email me at



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