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Humility is Central to Success

Jeff Motske, CFP®
April 13, 2018
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Many people accept that humility is a virtue, one that contributes to an individual’s success or legacy. Treating others respectfully and as equals is a courteous thing to do, as is recognizing everyone’s individual value and innate strengths. This is what I teach my children and the value that I integrate into how I run my business as well as my life.

This extends far beyond an altruistic ideal, though. Humility is not simply being self-depreciating or passive. In fact, it’s less about our relationship with other people and more reflective of the relationship we have with ourselves. Humility is about being fully aware of your humanity and your interdependence with others. It allows us to be self-aware and recognize where we may have gaps in our knowledge or in our control. This is a proven value that can have concrete and positive ramifications in our everyday life, specifically in our investments. Trust me, it’s not that big of a leap.

  1. Humility is understanding that I do not know everything. This means that I can make mistakes. It also reinforces that there are others who may have more knowledge or a different perspective that may provide value to the decisions I make. Whether you’re talking about a doctor, a lawyer, a tax accountant or in my case, a financial planner, there are folks who have the knowledge and passion to help you.
  2. Humility is understanding that I do not control everything. This means that things will happen that I have no power over, that I could not predict, and that may cause a few bumps in the road. In those moments, it’s good to refrain from acting impulsively or emotionally. Preparation and flexibility are also key. It’s best to plan for emergencies, fluctuations in the market, and other surprising events to understand what to expect, stay focused on the bigger picture and be prepared for not necessarily doing things “as usual”.

Once we accept these points, we can recognize where we may need assistance and be open to advice from expert counsel. When we do that, we do it for our own personal benefit, arming ourselves with the resources for monetary and overall success. Michael McGrath sums it up nicely in his article, “Humility in Investing: Why It’s Important”,

“Overconfidence tells you that it must be the other thing that was wrong—I see it all the time in my work. But humility allows you to say, “I’m not perfect, was there something that I might have been able to do better?”1

The Advisors at Trilogy Financial are here to be your resource on the road to doing things better. Our accomplishments are measured by your success and ability to achieve your financial freedom.


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Mike Loo, MBA
September 28, 2017

The world of financial planning is so incredibly diverse. And so it is with financial professionals, as well. The challenge that most people have is that by not being familiar with the various types of advisors; styles, approaches, licenses, abilities, qualifications, etc., it makes it hard to know what questions to ask in order to formulate an opinion as to whom to work with. People tend to go with their “gut feelings” about someone. And while that certainly can be an indicator as to what kind of working relationship one might have with a particular financial professional, it is equally, if not more, important to have objective information at hand for that decision-making time, as well.

There are a few questions that advisors rarely get asked, but should be asked. Sometimes these questions get avoided because the person asking might not even realize these questions are important. Past experiences drive many of the questions people ask. But if the goal is to be as informed as possible, it’s important not to forget to ask these three questions:

Question #1: Are you a fiduciary? And how do you get paid?

Not all financial professionals are fiduciaries. There are various types of securities registrations a financial professional can acquire; some are simply registrations to sell certain products, some are registrations to give advice (as opposed to just suitable recommendations for product sales). In other words, some financial professionals are “Registered Representatives (RR)” who are affiliated with a broker/dealer, with some securities registrations that allow them to sell products. While some financial professionals are “Investment Advisor Representatives (IAR)” who are affiliated with a Registered Investment Advisory firm, who have a few more/different registrations that allow them to be fiduciaries within the advisory services they offer their clients. Some professionals are both a Registered Representative and an Investment Advisor Representative. Others are not. Many consumers don’t know the differences. Below is a very basic breakdown.

Responsibilities to Client:

IARs – Fiduciaries. Are legally bound to do what is in the best interest of their clients…above all else.

RRs – Are responsible for making sure the products they sell to their clients are suitable.

Primary Responsibility/Function:

IARs – Primary responsibility is as an advisor to their clients

RRs – Sell securities and handle sales transactions for their clients


IARs – Generally charge a flat % fee for advice surrounding assets under management (AUM)

RRs – Tend to be commission based. They get paid commissions for products they sell.

Compliance and Regulations:

IARs – Are associated with Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firms that are regulated by the SEC and/or state regulatory agencies.

RRs – Are regulated by FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority), along with the SEC and other state regulatory agencies.

Question #2: What is your particular expertise?

Not all financial professionals have niche markets….or only specific types of clients that they work with. But it’s important to know if they do. Understanding what kind of experience and typical clients the advisor has is important to understanding what to expect from them in regards to knowledge and experience that is relatable. Knowing what kind of team they have, and what kind of experience the team as a whole has is important. What do they specialize in? What resources do they have access to?

Here are some examples:

Tax efficiency with investments

Protection Planning – Estate planning collaboration

Small business owners

Multi-generational planning


Question #3: What is your ongoing service model?

Taking the initial steps to get things organized and onboard with a financial advisor can be activity-filled and very important. But equally important is the clear communication about expectations for moving forward. Understanding what to expect between the advisor and client is critical to insuring that communication and expectations are being managed positively for the relationship, from both sides.

How often does the advisor reach out to clients?

Is there a team to support clients? Or just one individual?

What can be expected in regards to calls? Meetings? Paperwork? Statements?

What method of communication is used? Phone calls, meetings, email, video conferencing, etc.?

How accessible is the advisor if the client has a question?

These are just a few questions that might prove important to ask when interviewing financial professionals. There is no generic right or wrong answer. At the end of the day, it’s all about understanding what the relationship would be, the expectations for the relationship for both the client and the advisor, and communication. Being logical with interviewing an advisor is critical…look for proof and conviction between what they say they do vs. what they can prove they do.

Our financial well-being is critical for empowering our lives….we work hard for the life we want. And there are almost always some form of financial element to all we do. So please, don’t be afraid to ask the intrusive questions of the advisors you are considering working with. It could mean a great deal to how life gets funded….now and through all ages.

By Trilogy Financial
July 28, 2023

Password managers are a key resource in maintaining your security. They allow you to keep track of your passwords and encrypt them before they leave your device. Some password vaults can also generate and change passwords for you in one click, as well as securely store other types of data like credit card information. Password managers may remind you to change passwords regularly, evaluate their strength, or scan the dark web to check if any of your logins appeared online. A password manager also makes sharing your data with family and friends safer.

When using a password manager, you’ll only need to remember one master password. Combine it with multi-factor authentication (MFA)and biometric authentication to increase your security.

While they can increase your security exponentially, even reliable password managers can’t keep you 100% safe online. Following are a list of possible risks and ways to mitigate them:

  1. Not all devices are secure enough. Password managers can be hacked if your device is infected with malware. Users should invest in a trustworthy antivirus that will secure all devices first and reduce risks.
  2. Not using biometric authentication. NordPass, RoboForm, and Keeper all offer a biometric authentication option, such as requiring a fingerprint or face scan which offers another level of protection.
  3. Utilizing a Bad password manager. Not all password managers are created equal. Make sure the software you use does not lack the necessary security features to effectively protect your credentials at all times.
  4. Forgetting your master password. Select a password manager that has a reset feature or store your master password in some physically secure place. Be sure to enable account recovery options.
  5. Know what data is in your password manager. Be sure to know which accounts are stored in your password manager so in the case of a breach, you know which accounts to take action on, thus leaving the attacker with less time to cause more harm.

In a digital landscape where cyber threats are on the rise, using a password manager is a proactive measure that can overall protect your personal information and maintain robust online security. It simplifies the process of managing passwords, strengthens your defenses against unauthorized access, and provides peace of mind in an increasingly interconnected world. If you don't already, consider integrating a reputable password manager into your digital routine to enjoy the benefits of streamlined and fortified password security.


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