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Got Your Refund, Now What?

Jeff Motske, CFP®
April 17, 2019
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Now, I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a fan of large tax refunds (see March 1 blog). In fact, if you are consistently getting a large tax refund, you should probably adjust your withholdings so you can dedicate that money to your financial why’s every paycheck. After all, allowing the IRS to hold your money is a bad investment. If you should find yourself receiving one, though, you may be wondering how best ways to use it. It’s only normal to be tempted to do some retail therapy or splurge on a fun experience. However, it’s best to see how you can get your money to work for you before giving in to that temptation.

The very first thing to consider is how much debt you have. Large amounts of debt, whether it be student loans, credit cards or other outstanding financial obligations, can cripple you from saving for your goals. Using your tax refund to pay down debt might be the very thing to get you closer to saving for your goals.

You also want to make sure to bulk up your emergency fund. An unplanned repair, medical expense or job termination can all cost a pretty penny. Without an emergency fund, we may feel tempted to use our credit cards to cover the unexpected expense. As I just mentioned earlier, this simply takes us farther from our goals. Ensuring that we have an adequate emergency fund can make sure that we stay on target regardless of what life may throw at us.

Your tax refund can also be used to work towards your financial independence. Maximize your contributions. If you don’t have a plan, establish one. A little money can go a long way with the help of time and compound interest. Remember: there is no do-over when it comes to saving for retirement, so be sure to do as much as you can now because that time will be here before you know it.

I understand that using your tax refund check to indulge in something today can be quite tempting. More often than not, though, these distractions simply take you off your path to financial independence. You need to make sure that you’re making the money you receive today work to build the life you want to live tomorrow.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

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Mike Loo, MBA
July 12, 2018

There may be plenty of factors outside of your control that impact your financial situation, such as the markets, the economy as a whole, or an unexpected illness. But those circumstances may not play as critical of a role in your financial life as you might think. The real dangers to your financial future are the lies you tell yourself when it comes to financial planning. Here are some ways you could be undermining your financial success and some ideas on how to change course.

Lie #1: I Don't Need Help. I Know What I'm Doing

Let’s say you read a plethora of financial planning books, stay up-to-date on the markets, and know all about budgeting software. That may put you ahead of a lot of other people, but there are certain aspects of financial planning that often go ignored even by the most knowledgeable people. Let’s look at a couple of hypothetical examples.

How Often Do You Review?

How often do you refresh your goals, adjust your plan, and determine how and when to make changes? A financial planner does more than just monitor your portfolio. They act as your coach, motivating and guiding you when things get tough. They bring an objective perspective to the table and develop a customized strategy based on your financial priorities. The end result is increased confidence in your financial strategies and decision-making. You don’t want to suffer a financial setback just because you were too busy or too forgetful to keep up with your financial plan.

In Case of Emergency

What if the unthinkable were to happen and you couldn’t make financial decisions? Will your family be able to handle the details and figure out your financial plan? An advisor can offer a holistic overview of your net worth and determine what elements need to be in place to protect your family and your wealth. These are often things you may not be aware of, such as life insurance or a living trust.

Market Research

Investing is tricky business on a good day. Can you manage the emotions, anxiety, and possible second-guessing of your investment choices if you were living on a fixed income and the market were to face a correction? An advisor has tools to evaluate cash flow to help you determine the probability of your money lasting through your retirement years. They can also keep you accountable and committed to your long-term strategy in the midst of market ups and downs.

Lie #2: I Can Always Get Help When I Need It

If you were going on vacation, would you rather have everything packed ahead of time and enjoy your restful break? Or would you prefer to be disorganized and arrive without essential items, forced to then spend your time off running around shopping for things you forgot? When it comes to money, it’s the same idea. When you really need the help, you may have lost your most valuable resource – time. Instead of thoughtfully researching your options and making decisions with a clear head, waiting until you need help will result in a frantic scramble to just get things done.

Whatever it is you experience in life, having a financial planner on your team will help you stay on top of your money and prepare in advance for future milestones and events.

Lie #3: I Don't Need An Advisor, I Have Financial Technology

Financial planning has evolved. Years ago, it was about who had the most up to date information on a company to buy a stock, and the planning industry was mostly concerned with buying and selling stocks and bonds rather than portfolio management. Today, financial planning is more about what’s missing in your overall strategy, what have you not thought of, and what could you be doing that you’re not. On top of that, the financial planning process helps you emotionally connect with your goals so you can get on the right track. Technology, at the present time, can’t do that.

Technology has many good points, but several drawbacks as well. For example, you can find more information than you’ll ever need, but you’ll also come across plenty of misinformation which could lead you astray. It’s not uncommon for someone to research something on the Internet and find just as many pros as there are cons. If you want to save for your child’s college education, you’ll find articles touting the value of using a 529, a Roth IRA, or a Roth 401(k). How do you figure out which one is truly right for you? The abundance of information has created so much noise that in many cases, people don’t do anything at all.

While technology should be used in financial planning, it should not replace the role of an advisor. The importance of what advisors do from a human aspect is help clients sift through the noise and misinformation and encourage them to move forward in taking action.

A Change In Perspective?

Have you ever believed one of these lies? It’s easy to do, but the consequences are real. Don’t take a gamble with your money. Join forces with a financial advisor who can help you make the most of what you have, where you are, and get you positioned for a bright financial future. Call my office at (949) 221-8105 x 2128, or email me at for a no-strings-attached meeting to discuss your situation.

By Trilogy Financial
June 26, 2024

Introducing Financial Advisor Woburn


In Woburn, Massachusetts, financial advisors at Trilogy Financial Services, such as Tom Elkins, Dale Sarpard, and Mohammed Siddiqui, are guiding clients towards financial success with personalized investment strategies. Leveraging their collective expertise and local market understanding, these advisors offer unique insights into maximizing investments.


Understanding the Woburn Investment Landscape


The economic landscape of Woburn offers diverse investment opportunities. Advisors like Tom Elkins, an Accredited Investment Fiduciary, emphasize the importance of understanding local market trends and how they can impact investment choices. With their finger on the pulse of Woburn's economy, these advisors tailor their strategies to leverage local strengths. Some of these Key Strategies and Insights from Trilogy Financial Advisors include:

  • Collaborative Strategy: Emphasizing a team-based approach, Trilogy Financial ensures clients benefit from diverse expertise and financial planning woburn.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: By pooling the knowledge of various advisors, the firm can offer more holistic financial plans.
  • Enhanced Understanding: This approach leads to a deeper comprehension of each client’s unique financial situation.
  • Complex Situation Management: The collaborative effort of the team allows for effective management of intricate financial scenarios.


Tailored Investment Strategies

Each investor's journey is distinct, and advisors at Trilogy Financial Services recognize this. Dale Sarpard, with his extensive experience, illustrates the importance of creating investment plans that align with individual goals and life stages. From retirement planning to wealth management, their strategies are as unique as their clients.


Tom Elkins' Approach:

  • Emphasis on understanding local market trends for informed investment decisions.
  • Advocacy for personalized financial planning tailored to individual goals.
  • Specialization in retirement planning and wealth management strategies.





Risk Management Techniques

Effective risk management is a cornerstone of successful investing. Mohammed Siddiqui, known for his client-focused approach, underscores the significance of a well-diversified portfolio. By balancing risk and return, these advisors help clients navigate market volatility with confidence.


Mohammed Siddiqui's Methodology:

  • Prioritizing client-focused risk management and portfolio diversification.
  • Adapting investment plans to changing market conditions and personal life changes.
  • Utilizing technology for real-time investment insights and efficient planning.





Future-Proofing Your Investments

Woburn's financial advisors are adept at adapting investment strategies to evolving market conditions and personal circumstances. They prioritize long-term sustainability, ensuring that clients' investments can withstand economic shifts and personal life changes.


Dale Sarpard's Expertise:

  • Extensive experience in developing comprehensive financial plans.
  • Focus on aligning investment strategies with life stage and financial objectives.
  • Expertise in navigating complex financial scenarios for diverse client profiles.





Leveraging Technology for Investment Success

In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in investment management. Trilogy Financial Services utilizes advanced tools and platforms to provide clients with real-time insights and streamlined financial planning processes.



The advisors at Trilogy Financial Services in Woburn are committed to guiding clients through the complexities of investing. With personalized strategies, expert risk management, and sophisticated technology, they are equipped to help you achieve your financial goals. For those seeking to maximize their investments, consulting with these local experts is an invaluable step towards financial prosperity.


Ready to Amplify Your Wealth today?

If you're ready to elevate your financial planning with our professional team, we invite you to schedule a meeting with us. At Trilogy Financial Services, our advisors in Woburn are dedicated to crafting personalized financial strategies that align with your unique goals. Don't wait to start your journey towards financial success:

Schedule a Meeting: Reach out to us to arrange a one-on-one consultation with our financial professionals.

Give Us a Call: Prefer a quick conversation? Feel free to give us a call to discuss your financial needs and how we can assist. Call Us To Get Started. (844) 356-4934

Schedule a No-Strings-Attached Portfolio Review today and embark on a path to financial success guided by professional advisors. For more information and to schedule your consultation, visit With the right knowledge and professional guidance, the journey of investing becomes an exciting venture towards achieving financial security and growth. This way, you're not just dreaming of an ideal retirement but actively working towards making it a reality.





*There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk.

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