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Avoid These Common Mistakes When Choosing a Financial Planner

By Trilogy Financial
February 20, 2024
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Selecting a qualified financial planner is crucial for securing a robust financial future. A proficient planner, like those at Trilogy Financial, can create a financial plan tailored to your unique needs to help you reach your goals.  Yet, a staggering 74% of Americans engage in financial planning without professional guidance, revealing a potential gap in making informed choices​2​.


Advisor meeting clients.


Mistake 1: Overlooking Qualifications



Chart quantifying the benefit of a financial planner.


  • Stat: Smart financial planning can yield 1.5% more in annual average returns, underlining the importance of qualified guidance​3​.
  • Tip: When choosing an advisor ensure  your planner holds pertinent certifications and showcases a robust track record of expertise.
  1. What are pertinent certifications for a financial planner?Pertinent certifications include the Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designations. These certifications indicate a high level of expertise and adherence to industry standards.
  2. How can I verify a financial planner's certifications?You can verify a planner's certifications by checking the databases of certifying bodies like the CFP Board or the CFA Institute. Additionally, you can ask the planner for proof of certification.
  3. What constitutes a robust track record of expertise?A strong track record includes many years of experience, successful financial planning, happy clients, and industry recognition or awards.
  4. How can I assess a financial planner’s track record?You can assess a planner’s track record by reviewing client testimonials, checking for any industry awards or recognitions, and asking for references. Additionally, verifying their work history and experience in the field can provide insights into their expertise.




Mistake 2: Neglecting Fee Structures


  • Stat: According to a 2019 Financial Trust Survey, “Nearly half of Americans (48%) incorrectly believe all financial advisers have a legal obligation to act in clients’ best interests.”4.
  • Tip: Understand the fee structures and ensure transparency in your financial engagements if you chose to work with a financial advisor.
  1. What are common fee structures in financial planning?Common fee structures include fee-only (fixed, hourly, or percentage of assets managed), commission-based, and fee-based (a combination of fees and commissions).
  2. How can I ensure transparency in fee structures?Ask your financial planner for a clear, written explanation of all fees and charges, including any potential third-party fees, before engaging their services.
  3. What is the difference between fee-only and fee-based financial planners?Fee-only planners charge a flat fee, hourly rate, or percentage of assets managed, and do not receive commissions from selling financial products. Fee-based planners, on the other hand, may charge fees and also receive commissions, which could potentially lead to conflicts of interest.
  4. How do commissions affect the advice I receive?Commissions could potentially create a conflict of interest if a financial planner is incentivized to recommend certain products that earn them commissions, rather than what's in your best interest.




Mistake 3: Disregarding a Personalized Approach



Advisor providing a personalized approach to financial planning


  • Stat:  A Bankrate 2019 survey shows that 44% of individuals with a personal finance plan save more for retirement and 43% save 50% more per month.​5
  • Tip: When hiring a financial advisor opt for financial planners like those at Trilogy Financial, who prioritize a personalized approach to meet your unique financial objectives​​.
  1. What does a personalized approach in financial planning entail?A personalized approach means that the financial planner takes the time to understand your individual financial circumstances, goals, risk tolerance, and future aspirations to craft a strategy tailored to meet your unique needs.
  2. Why is a personalized approach important in financial planning?A personalized approach ensures that your financial plan is aligned with your goals and circumstances, which can lead to better financial outcomes and satisfaction over time.
  3. What are some examples of unique financial objectives that would benefit from a personalized approach?Unique financial objectives could include planning for early retirement, saving for a child's education, managing a large inheritance, or preparing for a significant life change like marriage or starting a business.
  4. How does a personalized approach compare to a one-size-fits-all approach in financial planning?A personalized approach provides tailored advice and strategies based on your individual circumstances, which can lead to more effective financial planning and better outcomes compared to a one-size-fits-all approach that may not align with your personal goals and risk tolerance.



Mistake 4: Ignoring a Comprehensive Service Offering



Chart showing 90% of people say financial planning helped them achieve their saving goals.



  • Stat: A whopping 90% of individuals achieved their savings goals owing to comprehensive personal finance plans, emphasizing the necessity of a holistic service offering​ 6​.
  • Tip: Choose a planner offering a spectrum of services including retirement planning, estate planning, and risk management.
  1. Why is it important for a financial planner to offer a variety of services?A variety of services allows for a holistic approach to financial management, ensuring that all aspects of your financial life are considered and managed in a coordinated manner. This might include mutual funds, tax planning, and more.
  2. What is retirement planning, and why is it crucial?Retirement planning involves preparing for life after you stop working, which includes saving, investing, and making other financial arrangements to ensure a comfortable living post-retirement.
  3. What does estate planning entail?Estate planning involves the management and disposal of an individual's estate during their life and at and after death, while minimizing gift, estate, generation skipping transfer, and income tax.
  4. What is risk management in the context of financial planning?Risk management in financial planning refers to the identification, assessment, and strategizing to mitigate or manage financial risks that could negatively impact your financial situation.



Mistake 5: Underestimating Continuous Communication



  • Stat: Clients report higher satisfaction levels with higher frequencies of investment-related educational communications and scheduled meetings, underscoring the importance of continuous communication​ 7​.
  • Tip: Ensure your financial planner maintains open channels of communication, keeping you informed and engaged throughout your financial journey.
  1. How can I ensure that my financial planner maintains open channels of communication?
    You can set expectations for communication upfront, such as preferred methods of communication and frequency of updates. It's also helpful to choose a planner who is responsive and willing to engage in regular discussions about your financial plan.
  2. Why is communication important in financial planning?
    Communication is crucial to ensure that you and your financial planner are on the same page regarding your financial goals, risk tolerance, and any changes in your financial circumstances. It also helps in building trust and understanding throughout the financial planning process.
  3. What are some red flags regarding communication with a financial planner?
    Red flags could include lack of responsiveness, unwillingness to answer your questions, failure to provide clear explanations, or not initiating regular reviews and updates as agreed upon.
  4. How can effective communication with a financial planner impact my financial journey?
    Effective communication can lead to better understanding, trust, and alignment between you and your planner, which in turn can result in a more effective financial plan and a more satisfying financial journey.






Avoiding these common pitfalls when choosing a financial planner can significantly steer your financial voyage towards success. Engaging with a reputable firm like Trilogy Financial not only helps sidestep these mistakes but also ensures a tailored, client-centric approach delivered by qualified professionals, fostering transparent communication throughout your financial journey​1​.






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Mark Nicolet, CFP®, MBA, ABFP™
August 22, 2018

Recently, I followed up with a client after the client had been away on a family vacation for two weeks. Prior to that trip, the chaos of summer, work travel, and meetings had prevented the client from following up with me on a minor but impactful recommendation I had encouraged the client to consider in our last conversation. Before I had the opportunity to even say, “Hello,” the client apologized and communicated that I was owed a phone call. Yes, I had encouraged a decision knowing the impact would further strengthen the client’s financial situation, but in my diligence, I didn’t expect a phone call. The definition of diligence: careful and persistent work or effort. I love the simplicity of this definition and the use of the words persistent and effort. From knowing the client, I know the client is incredibly diligent in her own work and personal life. You see, when my client picked up this phone call, and the diligence of my follow up had just replaced the client’s call, eased the burden of the client having to call me back (amidst her intense work schedule), and ultimately resulted in the client making a best decision to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of her plan after re-clarifying the client’s priorities and current time frames.

An ongoing and sound financial plan requires an immense amount of diligence. If you are not ready to double down on this level of diligence on your own, why not hire a Decision Coach and Certified Financial PlannerTM professional to sprinkle the entirety of your plan with some diligence? Have you rebalanced your 401(k) lately? Have you increased your contribution percentage after your last raise? Did you update your life insurance planning after you moved into a new home after your second child was born? Are you planning on saving for that dream trip to Europe, or is that just going to magically happen in the next five years? What are the trading fees on your brokerage account? You have given thought to each of these questions. You have even discussed the answers with your spouse or close friends. Yet, you are busy and these action items are on the top of your priority list on a Tuesday. All of these questions require thoughtful planning with ongoing diligence, communication, and action. As soon as you settle into a plan with the right cash flow, life happens and you will need to adjust the game plan. My client didn’t forget to call me back. My client wanted me to call me back. Yet, my client didn’t call me back and didn’t make up her mind, until I called. Was I upset that I had to follow up several times? Was I frustrated my client seemed non-responsive? Of course not! It’s my career and joy as a Decision Coach. It’s part of my role as your financial planner to be diligent, to hold you accountable, to help you make qualitatively better decisions over time. Do I expect this to take a few follow up calls and three incredibly productive and ongoing quarterly progress checks between annual reviews? Of course! I love crafting a game plan for you. I love when you approach a financial decision and prior to making a decision, you reach out to me. I want your plan to be dialed in, so ultimately, you are living the life you want now, saving for the life you want in the future, as I provide the guard rails of diligence all along the way. A lot happens in a year and all of those little decisions have a significant impact over a long arch of time. Why I am so diligent with your financial plan? So, you don’t always have to be…don’t apologize, let’s just make the next best decision together and I’ll handle the follow up so we can one day celebrate together, not just because you are retiring, but because of the life you lived to get there.

By Trilogy Financial
June 7, 2024

CryptoChameleon is a phishing-as-a-service kit that makes it easier than ever for cybercriminals to create convincing phishing campaigns. Criminals often use it to impersonate reputable companies to steal passwords, account information, and other sensitive data.


A recent scam using CryptoChameleon targets LastPass, a popular password manager. Scammers pretend to be from LastPass, starting with seemingly authentic support calls. They later send follow-up emails with links to fake login pages, designed to look like legitimate LastPass sites. Once victims enter their master passwords on these fraudulent pages, scammers can access their password vaults and potentially lock them out of their accounts.


Reputable companies will never ask for your master passwords through phone calls, emails, or text messages. To protect yourself from these scams, remember to:


  • Hang up immediately if you receive a suspicious call claiming to be from LastPass or another reputable company.
  • Do not press any options in automated messages or clicking on links in emails from unfamiliar sources.
  • Report suspicious activity to the reputable company, including screenshots of suspect text messages and forwarded emails.

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