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10 Strategies to Prevent Wealth Erosion

By Trilogy Financial
July 18, 2024
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Are you aware of the common pitfalls that can erode your wealth and how to prevent them?

In the pursuit of financial independence, it’s not just about building wealth but also about protecting it from erosion. At Trilogy Financial, we understand the critical importance of mitigating wealth erosion to ensure long-term financial stability. Here are ten strategies to help you with asset preservation wealth & tax and achieve your financial goals.


1. Taxes


Taxes are a significant expense for everyone, but High-Net-Worth Tax Strategies can help manage and reduce their impact on your wealth. Consider maximizing contributions to retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s for tax advantages, and explore health savings accounts (HSAs) for additional tax benefits.


Key Tax Strategies:


  • Maximize contributions to tax-advantaged retirement accounts.
  • Utilize HSAs for medical expenses.
  • Consult a tax advisor for personalized tax-saving strategies.


2. Credit Cards


High-interest credit card debt can quickly erode your wealth. Implementing a strategic approach to managing credit card debt can help reduce the financial burden and improve your net worth. One effective strategy for managing credit card debt is to use the debt avalanche or snowball methods.


Credit Card Management Strategies:


  • Use the debt avalanche or snowball methods to pay down high-interest debt.
  • Consider consolidating debt with a lower-interest personal loan or balance transfer credit card.
  • Create a disciplined budgeting plan to avoid accumulating new debt.


3. Depreciation


Assets like cars and electronics lose value over time, impacting your wealth. Adopting a ‘buy and hold’ approach and making strategic purchasing decisions can help mitigate the effects of depreciation.


Combating Depreciation:


  • Keep vehicles for longer periods.
  • Buy slightly used cars to avoid initial depreciation.
  • Invest in assets that appreciate or depreciate less over time, such as real estate or classic cars.


4. Market Cyclicality


Market volatility can cause anxiety, but a diversified investment strategy can help manage the risks associated with market fluctuations.


Navigating Market Cyclicality:


  • Diversify your investments across different asset classes and geographies.
  • *Implement dollar-cost averaging to manage investment costs.
  • Consult with a financial advisor to tailor a diversified portfolio.


*Dollar cost averaging involves continuous investment in securities regardless of fluctuation in price levels of such securities. An investor should consider their ability to continue purchasing through fluctuating price levels. Such a plan does not assure a profit and does not protect against loss in declining markets. (67-LPL)


5. Lack of Diversification


Putting all your investments in one basket increases risk. Diversifying your portfolio across various asset classes and sectors can reduce volatility and potential losses.


Diversification Strategies:


  • Invest in a mix of equities, fixed income, and alternatives.
  • Use broad market instruments like ETFs or mutual funds.
  • Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio with a financial advisor.


6. Unexpected Expenses


Unexpected expenses can disrupt your financial plans. Establishing an emergency fund is crucial to cover unforeseen costs without resorting to high-interest debt.


Preparing for Unexpected Expenses:


  • Build an emergency fund covering 3-6 months’ worth of expenses.
  • Automate savings to ensure consistent contributions to your emergency fund.
  • Adjust your budget to prioritize saving for emergencies.


7. Misaligned Investments


Investing without a clear plan can lead to poor financial outcomes. Aligning your investments with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon is essential.


Aligning Investments:


  • Define clear investment goals and time horizons.
  • Educate yourself about different investment types.
  • Seek personalized advice from a financial advisor to create Custom Investment Strategies.


8. Procrastination


Procrastination can significantly impact your wealth-building efforts. Starting early and setting achievable goals can make a big difference in your financial future.


Overcoming Procrastination:


  • Set short-term and long-term financial goals.
  • Use financial tools and apps to automate savings and investments.
  • Consult a financial advisor to create a tailored financial plan.


9. Lack of Planning


A comprehensive financial plan is the foundation of successful wealth management. An advantage of effective personal financial planning is that it can transform uncertainty into a roadmap for success.


Creating a Financial Plan:


  • Assess your current financial situation.
  • Set realistic and specific financial goals.
  • Develop a plan that allocates resources towards achieving these goals.


10. Lack of Proper Protection


Unexpected life events can derail your financial plans. Proper insurance and estate planning can protect your wealth and provide confidence.


Implementing Proper Protection:


  • Obtain adequate life, disability, and long-term care insurance.
  • Create a will and other estate planning documents for Legacy Planning.
  • Consult with a financial planner to assess your Financial Protection Strategies.




Preventing wealth erosion is as important as building wealth. By addressing these common pitfalls with strategic planning and professional guidance, you can safeguard your financial future. At Trilogy Financial, we specialize in Comprehensive Wealth Management ServicesRetirement Planning for High-Net-Worth Individuals, and long term family wealth planning. Our services also include family wealth protection, risk management positions, and Custom Investment Strategies that protect and grow your wealth. Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your financial goals and secure a prosperous future.



Ready to Amplify Your Wealth today?

If you're ready to elevate your financial planning with our professional team, we invite you to schedule a meeting with us. At Trilogy Financial Services, our advisors in Corona are dedicated to crafting personalized financial strategies that align with your unique goals. Don't wait to start your journey towards financial success:

  • Schedule a Meeting: Reach out to us to arrange a one-on-one consultation with our financial professionals.
  • Give Us a Call: Prefer a quick conversation? Feel free to give us a call to discuss your financial needs and how we can assist. Call Us To Get Started. (844) 356-4934

Schedule a No-Strings-Attached Portfolio Review today and embark on a path to financial success guided by professional advisors. For more information and to schedule your consultation, visit With the right knowledge and professional guidance, the journey of investing becomes an exciting venture towards achieving financial security and growth. This way, you're not just dreaming of an ideal retirement but actively working towards making it a reality.


*There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk.

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Mike Loo, MBA
March 1, 2018

Over the course of working with so many individuals and families, I’ve found that many people think financial planning, investing, and retirement planning are a sprint to the finish line. While on paper, maxing out your 401(k) each year and building an all-stock portfolio for maximum growth potential seems like a good plan, fast and big investing can actually slow down your progress to your goals. Let’s look at why.

The Dangers of Little Liquidity I always enjoy working with enthusiastic young couples who want to do everything in their power to reach their desired retirement. However, in the process of focusing on their long-term retirement goals, they neglect their short-term needs.

For many of my clients in their 20s and 30s, I may recommend contributing enough to their 401(k) to get the employer match, if one is offered, and contribute some of their paycheck to build an emergency fund and savings. This can help them avoid focusing so much on their long-term retirement goals that they neglect their short-term goals, from buying a house to paying off student loan debt. I generally recommend that my clients build a reserve fund that can cover three to six months’ worth of living expenses.

Dipping Your Toes In Versus Diving Head First

I said it earlier but I’ll say it again; investing and financial planning is a marathon, not a sprint. I’d much rather be the tortoise—slow yet steady and consistent—than the hare—fast yet unpredictable—when it comes to my investing strategy.

One of the more underrated strategies for financial security is making consistent and periodic contributions to your portfolio over a long period of time. As I mentioned earlier, younger individuals and families may not have the income yet to max out their 401(k), but they can make consistent contributions and increase them over time as their income increases. Like the tortoise, saving for retirement and other long-term goals is all about perseverance and consistency, even if it is at a slower pace.

It’s easy to let emotions get in the way, and many investors fall prey to the newest investment strategy that claims a higher return on investment. But the fact of the matter is, there is no controlling or predicting the market. I tell my clients that instead of focusing on what they can’t control, it’s helpful to focus on what they can control: the capital they invest.

Whether the markets are high or low, consistent contributions can have a powerful long-term effect. Additionally, maintaining a well-diversified portfolio and rebalancing if needed each year can help ensure your portfolio matches the appropriate level of risk you’re willing to take. Adhering to this motto and disciplined strategy can help you avoid the common trap investors fall into: buying high and selling low, and chasing high returns.

The Risks of Aggressive Investing

Too often, financial advisors tell young individuals in their 20s and 30s to keep close to 100% of their portfolio in stocks. The theory is that young investors have decades to ride out volatility and make up for any lost returns. While this may work for some individuals, I’ve had a number of younger clients who don’t feel comfortable taking such risks, even if they have decades to try to make up for losses.

Investing entirely in stocks isn’t necessarily the way to go, even if it makes sense on paper. It’s nearly impossible to entirely remove emotions from investing. Too often, I’ve seen investors give up when their portfolio takes a big hit. They lose motivation to keep investing, and they struggle to keep their eyes on the finish line of their long-term goals.

Incorporating investments, like bonds, that offer lower returns and lower risk, may help you feel more confident in your portfolio and avoid the rollercoaster of emotions if your portfolio takes a hit during a downturn.

Next Steps

Like the tortoise and the hare, fast investments don’t mean you’ll reach the finish line first. While it can be difficult, it’s important to tune out the noise of the media and focus instead on what strategies make sense for your unique situation, risk tolerance, and short and long-term goals. While not as exciting, I believe slow and steady can win the race, and without as many speed bumps along the way.

As an independent financial advisor, my mission is to make a meaningful impact on the lives of my clients and the people they love. I help families make informed decisions with their money and pursue a strong financial future. If you’re interested in learning more about balancing your short and long-term goals, I encourage you to reach out to me. Call my office at (949) 221-8105 x 2128, or email me at

Jeff Motske, CFP®
May 29, 2018

We live in a dynamic and inspiring time. Advancements in healthcare are doing wonders for retirees. Many are living longer, in greater physical health, maintaining their mobility and independence. However, there has also been a growing impediment to that independence – dementia. This syndrome that characterizes the decline of cognitive functions and encompasses degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s is impacting more and more every year. While it can be very uncomfortable to consider yourself or a loved one suffering from such an illness, living in this age of dementia makes planning for its onset a necessary endeavor.

The statistics are sobering. Those who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease can typically live four to eight years after the initial diagnosis. However, there are also those who can live up to twenty years after their first diagnosis. As this is a disease that wrecks the mind, not the body, some can live up to 5 years in long-term care, rather than the typical two years of other illnesses. Needless to say, the costs of care can be staggering. With expenses ranging from various prescriptions, personal care supplies, limited or long-term care services, there is clearly a lot to plan for. Many rely on Medicare to cover the expenses. Yet, Medicare does not cover everything, oftentimes paying up to 80% of costs, only covering fees that are considered “medically necessary” and taking time to determine what falls under that qualification.1 When you or your loved one is struggling daily with the complications of dementia, hope can seem far off or entirely out of reach.

Due to the subtle ways symptoms can first appear, many can go years without a diagnosis. Unfortunately, that does not mean that the illness is not affecting their lives. While there are specific stages of decline with various forms of dementia, financial matters are generally impacted immediately. Memory suffers, with individuals forgetting to stay current with their bills or having issues understanding their bank and account statements. With subsequent stages, financial skills, along with others, decline further. It can be a rapid and steep decline. An individual’s independence, financial and otherwise, can be compromised very quickly.

This is why it is very important to discuss financial and legal matters once a loved one has been diagnosed, regardless of whether it may feel awkward or uncomfortable. The sooner these conversations take place, the better. There is a lot of information to cover and a lot of decisions on the possible future to make. Most importantly, the earlier the conversations are started, the more of a role the diagnosed person will have. At the end of the day, that is what we all want, for our loved one's wishes and desires to be upheld, even when they may no longer be able to vocalize them.

In addition to helping our loved ones afflicted with these diseases, we cannot forget the loved ones providing the assistance. The strain that can get placed on a familial caregiver can often get overlooked. If not adequately planned for, some will dip into their savings and sell their investments to cover the mounting costs to care for their loved ones. Additionally, the stress of the situation can detrimentally impact the physical and emotional health of the caregiver, which can put both individuals at risk.

Clearly, there is a lot to consider, and for many, it is easy to get overwhelmed, flounder in all the unfamiliar information and overlook that which we are not well-versed on. This is where your financial professional can assist you, both in the midst of this difficult time and also well before the actual diagnosis. They can help you make decisions and preparations, as well as educate you on the myriad of things you may not be aware of but need to know. Additionally, Trilogy Financial advisors are trained to not only identify when clients may be exhibiting symptoms of dementia but to continually monitor these behaviors as well. We truly do take our clients’ well-being seriously. Many individuals I have encountered have two distinct fears about growing older. The first is running out of money. The second is becoming a burden to their family. With dementia, those two fears can become a reality. However, with the proper preparation and planning, they don’t have to be.

Sources: 1.

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